Ekonomernas Dagar
Ekonomernas Dagar is the largest project of Föreningen Ekonomerna intended for all students at Stockholm Business School. The project takes the shape of preparational and inspiring pre-events leading up to our main event consisting of one of the biggest Career Fairs for business and economics students in Sweden. Together we create a place for students and companies to meet.
Föreningen Ekonomerna
Föreningen Ekonomerna, the Business Association at Stockholm University, is a student organization run by its active members. The association creates countless professional and individual growth opportunities with other business students. With its 2,100 members, it generates a vibrant community at Stockholm university.

Stockholm Business School
Stockholm University is a leading European institution who ranks among the top 200 universities globally. One of the largest departments at Stockholm University is Stockholm Business School (SBS). At SBS the students get provided with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the business world while also encouraging personal and academic growth.