Connect with future talent
Present your business and leave a footprint in student´s memories
Are you looking for young talents?
Ekonomernas Dagar attracts a massive pool of talented future employees – with around 3000 attenting students from various business fields annually. The fair gives students and businesses an opportunity to connect, and that already in the 45th edition.
More than a normal fair
We offer your company the possibility to get in touch with business students through keynote speakers, panel discussions and workshops as well as with 1 on 1 meetings with students.
In a world where companies increasingly compete for young talents, we support you in finding your future rising stars among the attending top-talents.
Sponsors 2024
Interested in becoming a sponsor for ED 2025?
Get in contact with our sponsor team now
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Reserve your booth and plan how you will be presented. Grow your brand and find the talent of the future.